On Saturday afternoon Jess and Graeme drove down to Mt Gambier to participate in the latest Science Alive event. It was a great visit after setup we had dinner with the Science Alive team and then ventured out to Umpherston Sink Hole to hang out with the possums for a bit.

We had a busy day Sunday starting with some teacher training for the early-to-rise dedicated soldiers from Naracoorte High School, and then a constant flow of visitors throughout the day. At 3pm we started packing, 4pm left for Naracoorte, 5pm set up the two TM4000’s at Naracoorte High School, and at 6pm were back on the road again, missing our ETA at home by 3 minutes at 9:33pm. Who says we cannot run to a schedule!

Thanks to all the kids (young and old) who came and took a look at the microscopes on Sunday, we hope to see you back in Mt Gambier next year.

We will definitely venture back to the South East, so if any other schools are interested to join Naracoorte High in having the systems, please let us know.

A shout out also to the folks at Metro Café, what a great place……and that desert bar!